la isla de milagros -

Hola todos!! I LOVE CALBUCO!! I dont have a ton of time so I'm going to make a big list of all the things that happened :)

- we went to district council and when we got back to calbuco I accidentally left our phone on the bus... but we got it back at the terminal so it was a miracle. But it was so funny because before we left, we were talking to the office elders and asked them for a new phone because we really need one. They said no so then I go and lose it (on accident I promise) which was so funny because they would've been so annoyed with us

- we had a brother give a blessing to our friends boyfriend and he was healed literally over night. He went from non stop asthma attacks to break dancing, I'm not even kidding. Then our friend got sick, so we had the same brother come over and give her a blessing. It was a huge miracle because the spirit was SO strong for both of the blessings, and I think it's really going to push them to get married and baptized.

- my comps and I said a huge prayer before going down a hill with 3 angry German shephards to visit a less active sister. They almost got hna Robertson and it was so scary but after we were laughing so hard. There was a huge storm during our lesson with the sister and the lights went out, so we started telling scary stories and it was such a vibe. The sister came to church and sat next to us and is now one of our best friends!

- we visited a family and the guy had me play his saxophone. It was cool except for the reed was broken and I'm pretty sure it was moldy, but it was a fun experience.

- I went to a knitting club held by our branch and I learned how to knit!!! I'm super excited about it and it's turning into an obsession I think because that's all I do in my free time now. My inner grandma is coming out but I'm embracing it

- we had about 3 lessons with Carlos and his newly baptized best friend Antonio and our best friend Maria Jose. This group is so fun and every lesson is such a party, but also super spiritual. This week we set a date for Carlos to be baptized and the spirit was so strong! He has such a light and has such a good support group here.

- a member found out it was my birthday and threw me a surprise party. I have no idea how she found out but it was so cute because they gave me a crown and we danced all night. I love them all so much! I feel so happy and at home here.

There is so much happening in Calbuco and I love it so much. Everything is pure love and I feel so lucky to be here teaching the friends that we have now. God is so good.

And blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day, for they shall have the gift and the power of the Holy Ghost; and if they endure unto the end they shall be lifted up at the last day, and shall be saved in the everlasting kingdom of the Lamb; and whoso shall publish peace, yea, tidings of great joy, how beautiful upon the mountains shall they be.

Love you all!
Hermana Stewart


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