God of miracles

Hola todos!! I am loving the mission so much!!! This sector has been a huge work in progress but there has been so much potential lately and it makes me so happy to see how much things have changed.

- we were walking down the street and said hola to a guy who was fixing his car. He stopped what he was doing and ran up to us and started asking us all these questions about the church. He asked if we could teach him later and if we could give him our number and my comp and I were freaking out. It was exactly what any missionary would want to hear. 2 days later he came to church!!

- we got talking to a girl from Peru and found out she needed help to find a daycare so she could drop off her baby and go to work. We dropped all our plans to be able to help walk her there and it was so sweet because she tried to pay us and was so happy and excited when we declined because she didn't believe it. It was so good to take the unplanned opportunity to help her out and become friends

Ah I love being here so much. I love talking to others about Jesus Christ everyday and helping them find light in their lives. I know God works miracles in your lives, you just have to look for them. He loves and cares about you so much!!

☆ our chilean party last week
☆ our best friend barbara! she taught us how to make calzones rotos
☆ fall in osorno! I'm obsessed
☆ running to centro in the morning
☆ finding dr pepper in our local grocery store!!!!

Love you all so much!
Hermana Stewart


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