sign language in spanish
Hola todos!! This week was so busy but I honestly don't remember that much. We had a couple 90 degree days and it's definitely the hottest it's been in my mission so far, but I loveeee it. When we get home we always lay on the hardwood floor in our house and in my opinion, that's the best way to get through the summers in Chile without air conditioning.
The work in this sector is really tough. I'm just gonna leave it at that. But we have a friend named Ranato who is so incredible, he has come to church 3 times now and loves asking us questions and wants to know about everything. He has definitely been getting us through the difficult parts of this area, and he has such a special light and desire to find truth and joy in his life. We also met an older guy out in the street that only speaks in sign language and his job is to help direct traffic. One day I asked him how he was doing in sign language and he started jumping and throwing his hands in the air and pulled me in for a kiss on the cheek and it was just the cutest thing ever. He was so happy and it was fun to make him smile with the only sign in Spanish I know.
Other than that, we had interviews with our mission president. He shared a lot about the whole transfer process with me because he said he had a difficult time moving me out of Paillaco, but he said that he really felt that I needed to be in this area serving these people with Hermana Stamper. Talking to him was so amazing and the spirit was so strong.
The coolest miracle that we had this week happened yesterday. We talked to this guy and he wasn't the nicest and started pulling out scriptures from the bible and wouldn't really listen, and the spirit went away so fast and it was definitely a situation that we did not want to be in. When we walked home, my comp was super upset about it because she hasn't really experienced a lot of that on the mission yet, but on our walk home we ran into her favorite member from the area over. It was such a miracle because we explained what happened and how we really needed to see her in that moment. The member told us that we were her miracle of the day because she was having a really hard day too because she had to go to work and couldn't go to church. She started crying and it was just such a cool experience. God is real!!!
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