mad tricks on a seesaw

Hola todos!! This week was so crazy, like always :) on tuesday we actually traveled outside of osorno to meet up with some other missionaries! I'm surprising myself by saying this but I actually missed being on a bus. The drive was so pretty, and a truck transporting gas was in front of us and one of their tires blew out and we were driving on a bridge and it was super sketchy but anyways I still loved the experience.

Last week I forgot to write about this miracle, but it continues this week so I'll throw it in. We were walking down the street and walked past this guy, and I just had a slight feeling that we should talk to this guy, but we kept walking and after a bit I looked back and my comp asked if I wanted to go talk to someone, and I just said it was fine. Then after we walked a little more I was like nahhh we gotta talk to him. So we booked it down the street for like 2 minutes chasing after this guy, and we get talking to him and he was so nice, so we got his number. Then this week we met up with him and his friends at a basketball court. Turns out one of his close friends is a member and now their whole friend group is talking with us and we're planning on playing basketball together. The other miracle from this week is that we finally got a friend to come to church. After waiting 6 weeks, on the last sunday of the transfer someone came. Hermana Stamper and I have been working so hard and turns out were staying together for another transfer!! She is one of my favorite people ever and i'm so excited to keep helping the people in this area.

This week i also fell off a seesaw, my comp and i spend so much time on them and we made a video where we were throwing the phone back and forth, and then i was trying to reach over and catch it and apparently i was up high so I flipped over and fell so hard.... but there was a lady in the park who was laughing so hard so it was good. We also planned a huge activity for our ward that was such a good time to bond as a ward family. I love the members here so much. We also took a trip out to see the great alerce tree, they say its the biggest in the world. We spent most of the day with the members and it was so fun!! I am so excited to be able to get to know the members more and also to be able to keep teaching the people here. God loves His children so much.

I love and miss you all!!
Hermana Stewart


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