Mas milagros en Paillaco

Hola todos!!

This week was so busy!!!! Hermana Merrick and I have been working so hard and it's been so fun. We had a missionary come back to chile to visit her mission, and we got to meet up with her and her family and it was so good to meet them!! She ended up giving us a lot of references that she remembered, and it was cool to see that we just recently started teaching some of them about 3 weeks ago. Also, her dad was a mission president for some girls from my home stake out in Brazil, so that was really cool to learn. The world in the church is sooo small.

In Paillaco the work is going so good!! We are always super busy and have seen so many miracles in the past two weeks. One thing that I have learned lately is the importance of becoming like a little child because we have had 2 really cute things happen.

1. A little boy from our branch went to school one day and his teacher was feeling sick. He told her "all you need to do is have faith and come to church with me!" So the next Sunday Sunday came to church, and cried about how that experience was exactly what she needed. We were able to visit her this past week and it was such a powerful lesson. We are super excited to keep talking with her and her son.

2. There's a busy street outside our church building, and pretty regularly there has been a mom and daughter passing by. The daughter has been pretty persistent about asking her mom to come to this church, so one day the mom texted a member on Facebook and asked for more information. She specifically asked the member to come take her daughter to church with her, and when the member asked how old she was, the lady said 5 years old. That was a shock for the member to find out, and they said they wouldn't take her daughter because she needed to come and bring her daughter herself so they could both attend.

I love these stories because they show how miracles can happen through small actions and words. These kids have had a big impact on the peoples lives around them because they weren't afraid to speak up. A lot of times we might be nervous to share our beliefs, but through practice we can learn to be more confident and trust that God will help us know what to say. Sunday night I had probably one of the best lessons yet on the mission. This was the first time teaching a lady we had met recently, and the spirit was so strong and I felt so much power sharing my testimony of the Book of Mormon. The words I needed came so clearly to me as I promised her that this book would change her life. It was such a miracle to not have to think about what I had to say or how the grammar would work out, my mind was only focused on sharing how much I love this book, it was crazy. I don't really remember everything that happened, but I remember how the love and the spirit was so strong in that room, I just couldn't stop smiling. These experiences keep reminding me how much I love the mission and this work. I am so so grateful to be here and to be sharing what I love most with these people.

I love you all!!😊❤
Hermana Stewart


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